
Navneet Saraf will speak on “The Power of Micro-Actions: Thriving with ADHD, Making a Big Difference with Small Steps”

The WordCamp Bengaluru 2023 Organizing Team is pleased to announce Navneet Saraf as a speaker who will be speaking on The Power of Micro-Actions: Thriving with ADHD, Making a Big Difference with Small Steps.

Navneet is a spirited Product Manager at WPMUDEV, masterminding the celebrated Smush and Hummingbird plugins. As a digital nomad and spiritual enthusiast, his fascination for futurism fuels his dedication to web technology. Embracing ADHD as a unique strength since childhood, Navneet uses it as a springboard for creativity and resilience. Join him at WordCamp Bengaluru 2023, as he shares enlightening lessons from his journey that could help shape our individual paths and society at large.

In this talk;

Discover the transformative power of micro-actions and how they can empower individuals with ADHD to thrive in their personal and professional lives. This engaging talk explores practical strategies for setting achievable goals, leveraging ADHD strengths, and overcoming challenges through small, intentional steps. Attendees will gain insights into harnessing focus, building momentum, and celebrating progress. This session combines humor, inspiration, and actionable advice to inspire individuals with ADHD to unlock their full potential.

Book your ticket to join us on 29th July 2023.

WordCamp Bengaluru 2023 is over. Check out the next edition!