Accelerating WordPress Theme Development with Create Block Theme

Arun and Tremi

The WordCamp Bengaluru 2024 Organizing Team is pleased to announce a hands-on workshop by Arun Shenoy and Tremi Dkhar who will be presenting a workshop on “Accelerating WordPress Theme Development with Create Block Theme”

Arun Shenoy is a Software Engineer at Newfold Digital, where he has been enhancing the WordPress user experience for over two years. Specializing in the latest WordPress technologies, such as the Site Editor and Block Themes, Arun is committed to developing solutions that exceed user expectations. He is also a pioneer in open source. Beyond his passion for technology, Arun enjoys playing badminton and the violin.

I’m from Meghalaya and passionate about WordPress and the Open Source community. I love sharing knowledge and learning from others. In my spare time, I enjoy reading books and exploring the scenic hills of Meghalaya.

They will present a slideshow on how to use the Create Block Theme plugin to accelerate the development of Full Site Editing (FSE) themes. This plugin simplifies the process, making it accessible even to those with minimal development skills.

Current Subtopics:
– Getting Started with the Plugin.
– Developing the FSE Theme from the Editor.
– Exporting FSE Content to Theme Files.
– Conclusion

These subtopics are tentative and may be slightly adjusted to best suit the audience’s needs during preparation.

Book your ticket to join us on 21th July 2024.